Vermont Aesthetics Analysis


TCE provides aesthetic assessments for Vermont State Permitting and provides expert testimony for aesthetically sensitive development projects.

TCE’s licensed landscape architect can provide an analysis including the Quechee test to determine if a project will have “undue” adverse effect on aesthetics of an area.

We can prepare a report and testimony that will include a determination under 30 V.S.A. 248(b)(1) 16 Orderly Development and whether the project will unduly interfere with the orderly development of the region and provide supporting documentation and exhibits to justify the findings as required for ACT 248 and ACT 250.

Data gathering typically includes field studies, photographic inventory of the site and surrounding area, GIS viewshed analysis, background data collection and photographic simulations of proposed conditions.

  • ACT 248
  • ACT 250
  • Expert Testimony
  • Photo Simulations

Tell Us About Your Aesthetic Assessment Needs

Contact Trudell Consulting Engineers today about your next project.

Our team looks forward to solving the challenges that projects often face in Vermont.

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