CVS Pharmacy

CVS Pharmacy

The CVS pharmacy located at 1 Dorset Street in South Burlington, Vermont is site prominently at one of the busiest intersections in Vermont. The 9,750sf of retail space is oriented on the site to promote a pedestrian friendly environment with sidewalk connections to the two major streets and between the adjacent hotels. TCE worked closely with the owner and architect to develop a cohesive site with adjacent uses and building materials.

TCE prepared all of the necessary permit applications, and facilitated the approval with the Town, State, Wastewater, Stormwater and General Construction. Stormwater treatment was a complex utility component as the project is located within an impaired watershed and TCE had to facilitate meetings with the City and the State to device a solution to what seemed to be a project stopper.

TCE’s landscape architect prepared a comprehensive plan which provided front yard screening of parking and complimented the buildings architectural elements.

Permitting, Construction Survey Layout, Construction Services, Landscape Architecture