Pike Industries

Pike Industries

TCE has been assisting Pike Industries, Inc. with surveying, site design, permitting, stormwater management, erosion control, construction, and on-going permit compliance at their various Vermont facilities since 1992. These site include asphalt plant, labs, maintenance facilities, and various extraction sites. In 2006, TCE helped Pike with inventory, best management practices, SWPPP’s, and Multi-Sector General Permitting (MSGP) for all of their 16 permanent industrial locations in Vermont as well as providing assistance with Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plans for various sites.

TCE has also done site specific design and permitting for several of their newer quarries, sand and gravel pits, and maintenance facilities throughout Vermont, including one of the largest new quarries permitted in Vermont off VT 14 in Williamstown. TCE’s innovative approach to stormwater recycling, aesthetic screening, and progressive site reclamation were instrumental in securing various approvals. Many of Pike sites require on-going stormwater discharge monitoring and other compliance and TCE has assisted with these efforts.

TCE routinely assists Pike’s Heavy Highway Division with preparing ESPC plans on a variety of Vermont Agency of Transportation projects throughout Vermont, including Route 116 in Bristol, Route 302 in Barre, Route 4 in Killington, and most recently for the Berlin and Morristown Airport projects.

Stormwater Permits, Quarries and Pits, Maintenance Facilities, Compliance Services