This project began in October 2019 with the goal of a Planned Unit Development (PUD) on 600 Spear Street in South Burlington with 32 units, as well as a new mixed-use building with flexible space for use of the community and beyond. This mixed-use space is a large industrial building that is being repurposed, and will provide maker space, bicycle repair, work from “home” space, storage, and more. Progress on this project has included extending the bike path to encourage non-vehicular traffic. Clustered development and limited impervious surfaces are facets of the this PUD that support sustainability. In addition to those, the eastern half of this site will be a solar field. This project has a centrally located community area in development that provides green and gathering spaces for community members.
Permitting in Vermont can be tricky and this PUD was no exception. Our team worked closely with the client and the City of South Burlington to meet all local permitting requirements while accomplishing the client’s goals. We paid close attention to all local requirements to address not only current zoning needs but also tackle what future zoning would look like given current interim zoning requirements. We also worked with Lincoln Brown Illustration to have beautiful 3D renderings to present to the client and the City.
Looking to start a project? Don’t hesitate to reach out to Trudell Consulting Engineers at 802-879-6331 or or contact us online today!