Did you know that Vermont is home to more than 2,800 plant species? Of this more than 20% (600+ species) are rare or uncommon and 6% are Threatened or Endangered. That’s a lot of plant species in VT for such a brave little state!

If you live in Vermont, you know that the state’s abundance and diversity of natural resources is one of the greatest parts of living here. The green mountains would not be green if not for the dense mosaic of forest that covers nearly 80% of the state. While sugar maples and beeches dominate low elevations and spruce and firs dominate high elevations of the state, there are pockets of extreme diversity within this matrix that support the multitude of plant species present in Vermont. Counter to popular belief, many rare, threatened and endangered (“RTE”) plant species occur in ruderal or disturbed habitats, such as utility rights-of-way, along roads and railroad and rocky on outcrops.
TCE has significant experience in conducting plant surveys and assessments for RTE plants for private landowners, utilities, municipalities, academia, and developers. We can conduct rapid, comprehensive floristic inventories whether for permitting, research or general interest. In short, we’re plant nerds and would love to teach you about the RTE plants on your property. Below are a few of the many RTE plants that TCE Botanists have experience surveying and the types of habitats in which they may be found.
If you have plants on your property or near your project that you cannot identify, give TCE a call at 802-879-6331! or contact us online