VEC RTE Species Survey

VEC RTE Species Survey

TCE was contracted by the Vermont Electric Cooperative (VEC) to conduct Rare, Threatened, and Endangered species (RTE) and Natural Community Surveys along known RTE occurrences, as identified by the Vermont Department of Fish & Wildlife’s Natural Heritage Information Program (NHIP), that intersects VEC’s Transmission System Right-of-Way (ROW). The ecological survey work included natural communities, RTE terrestrial and aquatic plant species, RTE aquatic animal species, and RTE terrestrial animal species which occurred on State lands.

TCE conducted all RTE surveys with 2- and 3-person field crews along identified sections of VEC Transmission System Corridors. The surveys consisted of a detailed inventory of all animal and /or plant species identified within the specific Transmission ROW segment. TCE completed surveys for approximately 6.63 miles of the VEC Transmission Corridor in portions of Orleans,  Lamoille, Franklin, and Chittenden counties in Vermont.

For each RTE Plant or Animal Population Occurrence identified, TCE completed the pertinent RTE occurrence dataform issued by the Vermont Natural Heritage Inventory of Fish & Wildlife  department. Following each survey, a field report was provided to include a summary of findings. Final reporting included a detailed scientific report, photo documentation, and a GIS-based  shapefile with the revised mapped extents of each element occurrence population within the ROW.
