Wastewater system rulesThe State Environmental Protection Rules (EPR’s) were recently updated with quite a few changes. 45 new definitions have been added, updates have been made to the technical requirements for wastewater systems, wastewater strength considerations and restrictions were modified, and there have been some changes in design flows for various uses. A summary of the new rules can be found here. Some requirements are more strict and others less so than in the previous rules.  A few highlights:

  • 1 bedroom additions on single family dwellings
  • Well location as-built allowances
  • Composting/incinerating toilets for primitive camps
  • Increase in flows for municipal buildings
  • Decreased flows for service stations
  • Periodic change of use buildings with plumbing (wedding barns, etc.)
  • Lot subdivision
  • Water treatment system installations
  • Rental storage units
  • and more!

The full set of rules can be found here. It’s a bit dry reading, so just contact one of our septic designers or professional engineers and they will be happy to assist you with navigating the permitting and design for anything from a single family home septic replacement to a major community system.   For more information contact Amanda Raab with questions you may have regarding your wastewater systems at Amanda.Raab @ tcevt.com or 802-879-6331 ext. 117.