The employees at Trudell work hard, but all work and no play would make TCE a dull place. We make sure to play just as hard as we work. It’s even on our shirts! Daily activities like taking care of our small community garden, or going for a group workout session during lunch keep us moving and motivated during a normal week, and sometimes we like to have a full day of outdoor fun.

This past July 12th we all met at the Stoweflake Resort for a scavenger hunt with a survivalist theme that the employees there put together for us. It also happened to coincide with one of our Engineer’s birthdays, so we brought along a little cake for breakfast. After all, what’s the point of jogging during lunch if you can’t indulge in dessert for breakfast once in a while? We ate some cake, balanced it out with some fruit to make ourselves feel better, and then it was time to get down to business. Split up into groups with the task to find objects to survive in the tundra, everyone fashioned their team bandanas creatively before we set out to run around to Stowe hotspots.

We raced around gathering what we needed and taking photos as fast as we could. The only pausing was for some team building activities like rolling a golf ball across a court using only pieces of a sliced pool noodle, without letting it touch the ground. There was a lot of purposeful timing and accidental bumping into each other involved.  By the time each group had all the supplies they needed and ran back to the starting point, we were all exhausted, hungry, happy, and definitely a bit tanner than when we started the day. There were winning teams, but honestly, no one really cared too much about that because it was time for the best bonding activity ever: food.


The Stoweflake, in addition to throwing a scavenger hunt, hosted a BBQ with all the fixings for us hungry scavengers. We ate, shared photos, and had an informal Cornhole tournament with some great shirts as prizes. The rest of us talked and laughed, and started to eye the swimming pool. The perfect way to end a day spent playing hard in the sun?



With a splash!

About Trudell Consulting Engineers