Working along the shoreland in Vermont presents with a unique set of factors to take into account that one should be aware of while developing. The Vermont Legislature passed the Shoreland Protection Act in July of 2014, which regulates activities within 250 feet of the mean water level of lake great than 10 acres in size. The intent of the Shoreland Protection Act is to allow reasonable development along the shorelands of lakes and ponds, while protecting aquatic habitat, water quality, and maintaining the natural stability of shorelines.

Before Seawall Construction

After Seawall Construction
TCE has assisted dozens of clients navigate through the shoreland protection design and permitting process. Each site has its own set of challenges, and designs are customized to stabilize shorelines, meet our client’s aesthetic preferences, as well as follow the state and local regulatory requirements. We often utilize a variety of erosion control products, landscape plantings, boulders or block walls to stabilize sites to prevent further erosion and protect existing and proposed structures.

Before Slope Stabilization

After Slope Stabilization